New Year 2005/2006: London – pics at last

Hmm, ‘soon’ seems to be relative…ah well, at least the pics are only 1 month too late =].
You might notice the total absence of new year’s eve pictures. I shan’t be lying that I was way too drunk to make pics..the sad truth is that basically everything that could go wrong, went wrong (thank you very much, mr Murphy). Without going into details, it suffices to say that our new year’s eve lacked fireworks, alcohol and transportation; two of which are oh so vital components of a succesful new year’s eve. Ah well, still had a bit of fun, and quite a long walk home :s.
Some mental notes about the London trip:
1) Ye Gods, the women are fabulous! Those thick London accents alone are *way* too charming. And personally, I could really appreciate the somewhat stoic and stylish demeanor the people near the centre of London seemed to posess.
2) The general atmosphere in London actually seems colder and more distanciated than in the Netherlands, if that is actually possible :-|.
3) We saw a grey Lamborghini Mercielago over there…me and my friend couldn’t help but to be appalled with how someone could buy a super expensive car like that and then choose such a bland color for it.
Oh, and after my first year of intensive travelling, I’ve been thinking about what a perfect country would constitute for me:
– The spoken language would be English, preferably with a thick accent (*wow*)
– The temperament would be Italian (love la dolce vita)
– The social system would be Dutch (I don’t need to go into this one, right? :P)
– The women would be…well…I guess there’s something to say for every country 😉
– The cooks would be Italian (absolutely *no* discussion possible there)
– Culture would be Italian (yeah, I’m biased ^^)
– Law enforcement would be handled by the Brits (I kinda liked CCTV…still being to feel safe in a big city like London is quite a feat)
– Infrastructure would be Dutch (which prolly would result into taxes being Dutch too…ah well :-S)
A Utopia, to be sure, but one can still dream, can’t one?
Next stop: Italy in spring/summer again, probably accompanied by a full backpack trip to either Greece or France..looking forward to it!
PS: I’ve updated some of my other photo albums too
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